Contrary to popular belief, I have not been killed in a secret coup after being discovered as a double agent for Ed Snowden/ the female persona of Bradley manning / Miley Cyrus at the vmas. (i didn't caps this because i do not have a functioning m key on my laptop. the only way to get one is to spell "Nichigan" and then let autocorrect replace the N with a M. << I did that there.)
Really, I've been very busy with 5am wakeup calls, drills, and becoming qualified on my first aircraft! The s80 is a narrow bodied, generally domestic aircraft with a minimum crew of 3. I hope none of that is classified.
It's that plane where you hope they'll serve cookies, but they don't because its a 45 minute flight , and everyone is bathing you in your beverage of choice because they're trying to do the entire cabin service before the bell chimes and we start to descend. The glamorous life.
(also i've been at the pool, sleeping and trying to avoid the most recent pop culture outrage that is clogging up all of my social media outlets--how rude!)
So that's one down, several to go. And i can also do the demo with the seatbelt and the mask. I briefly got to take a mask home, it was like in home ec when they make you take a baby home. I had to be very gentle with it, and sanitize it regularly.
In other news, I have to wake up at 315 tomorrow to catch a 415 bus. It's pretty rude, and its also my bedtime right about meow. I promise not to die again, and keep telling you, dear reader, all of the really irrelevant things about being a flight attendant.
I dedicate this post to my faithful readership, which i am fairly certain consists solely of my mom and former roommates.
Lol love it!